tirsdag den 19. december 2017

Your Grandchildren will be rebels - Rebel Nature Concept poster

It has been far to long time since the last update from Rig21 but we have been very busy and here is a small sneak peek into the liveaction concept phase that is on the drawing table right now.

Merry X-mas from the Rig and an epic rebellious new year

mandag den 14. august 2017

Deep forrest encounter. Rebel Nature future concept

After crossing the wide ocean, this small gardener robot moves inland and encounters a world of possibilities for new bio-tech connections. The dragonflies are the first to collaborate.
This is a Rebel Nature future concept sketch to explore what will happen when autonomous machines start roaming the earth.

onsdag den 12. april 2017

50% robot, 50% crab, 100% new evolved creature

Deep beneath the waves of the ocean and Rig21, this strange creature scavenge for spareparts and energy. It is a mix of organic life and robot technology. The head of a deepsea robot reused by a mutated crab. In nature everything is reused, even the thrashed and replaced technology.

mandag den 6. marts 2017

Getting closer to Res Waveborn

Res Waveborn and Rebel Nature has taken a new small but very important step on  the long journey toward the "movie" dream. Thanks to the dedicated crew. This is what a reallife adventure should feel like.

Here you see Res around 8 years old. She has to find a new meaning of the word human since she is the only one around.

"I'm told I'm human, whatever that means?"

fredag den 24. februar 2017

A Rebel Nature leap of faith

Creating the new RebelNature story universe and launching the startup feels a lot like taking a "leap of faith", jumping into the unknown. You have to believe in the future and the survival skills you have learned through the years. One thing is certain, it is not going to be easy or routine.

RebelNature concept drawing of Mutated Brittlestar emerging from the deep

I you wonder what effect the plastic pollution of the oceans has on the marine life then meet this new mutated gadget wearing brittlestar, crawling up the metal leg of RIG21 in the Rebel Nature universe.

Sadly there is plenty of food for this new specie and it is just a taste of what is happening deeper down. This is not a "bad-guy" in the common sense. It is evolution mixed with human waste and technology.