torsdag den 19. december 2019

Rebel Nature is not another future dystopia

Rebel Nature is NOT a post apocalyptic universe but a hopefull adventure through challenges and possibilities ahead, seen from a completely new point of view.

Using the full potential of the new media landscape to entertain, engage and activate as large an audience as possible.

Rebel Nature is a modern legend addressing the fact that we are faced with choices and challenges bigger than ever before in human history expressed in the 17 Global UN Goals.
Rebel Nature will approach these goals from a story angle.

In Rebel Nature, Humans are not lost but we are about to be rediscovered.

Our kids and future generations will some day look back and ask what we were thinking and doing.

Rebel Nature is a story for the future. A message in a bottle for the coming generations. They will only know us for the stories we tell.

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